Asset Screener Overview

Messari's Asset Screener allows you to sift through over 30,000 Assets with advanced filtering across 50+ metrics, and then analyze your results in customizable tables. Use the Asset Screener to uncover potential investments, identify trends, monitor the competition, and much more by creating and customizing screens, applying advanced filters, and customizing columns.

This page includes a step-by-step guide on getting the most from Messari's Asset Screener, along with hot tips for success and FAQs collected from Messari subscribers. Be sure to check out the full Video Library for detailed walkthrough videos.

Check out the Messari Fundraising Screener and associated documentation for screening across the most complete and reliable Fundraising dataset on the market.


The Asset Screener is currently available for Messari Pro and Enterprise subscribers. Lite subscribers have limited access. Please visit our Pricing page to compare plans or Contact Us if you have any questions.

Asset Screener Videos

Asset Screener: Walkthrough

Asset Screener: Filtering & Transformations

Access Screener

Select Screener from the top navigation on your Messari dashboard to jump to the Screener Homepage.

There are multiple sample screens available to duplicate and customize as your own, or you can start fresh with a blank screen. Both methods are outlined below, and then continue on to the Customize Your Screen section to make it your own!

Create a New Screen

Click on Create New Screen in the top left-hand corner.

A pop-up will appear asking you to select the type of screener: Assets Screen, Investor Screen, or Deal Screen. In this case choose Assets Screen. Visit our Fundraising Screener page to learn more about the Investor or Deals Screens!

Duplicate a Sample Screen

Under the Messari Screens section of the left-hand navigation you will find over 50 samples. Selecting one will open it in read-only mode, and you can select Duplicate in the top right corner to make a copy.

Popular sample screens include:

  • Gainers and Losers: Track over and under performers across customizable timeframes
  • Ecosystems: Start screening with your favorite ecosystem's full asset list
  • Categories: Leverage the powerful Messari Classification System to screen by Category
  • Time Machine: Use powerful advanced filters for historical views into market action
  • Exchanges Coverage: Filter and compare Assets across their exchange listing

Save and Share Screens

Changes will NOT save automatically. Give your screen a name and click Save in the top right-hand corner often!

Use the three-dot menu to the right of Save to duplicate, revert to the last saved version, copy a link for sharing, edit, or delete your screen

My Screens

Once a screen has been saved they are available for access on the Home view or in the sidebar navigation under My Screens.

Customize Your Screen

Add Screen Filters

On your New or Duplicated Screen select New Filter to customize.

  • Scroll through the available metrics or use the search bar to find your desired filter. The sections at the top make it easy to find the metrics you need. Hover over the i to the left of the metric name for a full definition.
  • Select the operator. For example, on a qualitative filter such as Category you can select Is or Is Not.
  • Select the comparison criteria. Depending on the initial metric selected, the comparison criteria could include a picklist of choices, a static value, or another metric (Visit the Advanced Filters and Columns section below to learn more).

Customize Column Views

Use Preset Column Views

Each Assets Screen will start with pre-made column Views for quick review of your results

These Views are built with metrics applicable to the type of Screen you are creating. For example, to quickly review the results of an Investors Screen, pre-made views include an Overview, Investment Behavior, Investment Count by Year, and Round Amount Stats

Manage Columns

Click Add View to create a new view, or use the blue wand icon in the top right corner of the results table to edit the columns on your current view.

The Manage Columns dialog box is separated into three sections:

  1. Click Add on the metric you would like to add as a column. The same metrics that were available as filters are also available as columns.
  2. The middle section for Customize Columns allows you to click the six dots to the left of the column name to drag and drop into a new position. Or, use the three-dot menu on each column name to Duplicate or Delete.
  3. After selecting the column you want to edit in the second section, the third section allows you to input a custom column name. If applicable you can apply an advanced filter, known as a Transformation (Visit the Advanced Filters and Columns section below to learn more).

Advanced Filters and Columns

Advanced Filtering, known as Transformations, allow you to fully unleash the power of Messari's Asset Screener. Check out the sample screens to explore what can be achieved through Transformations. These can be applied to metrics in the filtering stage OR applied to metrics that are used in column Views.

Not all metrics can be used in Transformations, and an Fx icon will appear next to the field added when it is available.

Types of Transformations

The Fx icon will allow you to manipulate the metric in the following ways:

  • On a specific date: Filter based on the price or market cap of an asset on a specific date in the past.
  • Sum: Filter based on the cumulative sum of a given over a defined time-period. Only available for cumulative metrics.
  • Average: Filter based on the average of a given metric over a defined time-period
  • Min: Filter based on the minimum value of a given metric over a defined time-period
  • Max: Filter based on the maximum value of a given metric over a defined time-period
  • Median: Filter based on the median of a given metric over a defined time-period
  • Change: Filter based on the absolute change of a given metric over a defined time-period. Available for Price, Marketcap and other metrics.
  • % Change: Filter based on the percentage change of a given metric over a defined time-period. Available for Price, Marketcap and other metrics.

Define Time Periods

The transformations above are defined over the following time periods:

  • Last X days or hours:: Hour-based timeframes are only available for Price and Volume metrics.
  • Specific Year
  • To date: Month-to-Date, Quarter-to-Date, Year-to-Date
  • Custom timeframe: Select an interval Between two custom dates, or Since a specific date

Keep in mind not all metrics have Transformations available, and not all metrics can perform the same types of Transformations. Please reach out to our Support team with any questions or feedback on types of Transformations you'd like to perform.

Apply Transformations

As an example of a commonly used Transformation we can apply a filter for the Average 30 day Circulating Market Cap greater than or equal to $50MM.

  • Start the transformation process by selecting the metric of Circulating Marketcap
  • Select the Fx icon and toggle on the box for Apply a Transformation
  • For Avg input 30 and confirm the dropdown is set to Days
  • Click Apply to advance
  • Choose the operator Greater than or equal to
  • Type in the comparison value of 50,000,000 and hit Enter to apply the filter
  • Note the count to the right of your filter indicating the number of Assets that match your criteria. Click on the filter to edit or utilize the trash can icon to delete.

Compare Transformations against Transformations

The Transformation capabilities are incredibly powerful on their own when choosing your screening criteria. These values can be compared to specified static values. But the most advanced use case allows for the ability to compare a Transformation to another Transformation.

This example will adjust the statis value of $50MM above to the Average Circulating Marketcap of 2023.

  • Click into the filter to edit and delete the manually typed 50,000,000
  • Choose Circulating Marketcap again and toggle the icon for Apply a Transformation
  • Select the Specific Year timeframe and input 2023
  • After selecting Apply to lock in your changes, the final step is to click the checkmark icon to update the results table.

Additional examples include:

  • Price AVG (50D) greater than Price AVG (200D)
  • Price % Change since a given Date lower than the Price % Change YTD
  • Real Volume SUM (30D) greater than $1b

Transformations as Columns

Metric Transformations can be applied in Columns as well. Remember, the filters and columns are fully customizable and they do not have to be the same. You can filter by certain metrics and view columns with completely different metrics.

For this example, the standard Overview template contains multiple transformations as columns. These can be edited in two ways.

Manage Columns

First, using the wand icon in the top right corner of the display table you are able to access the Manage Columns dialog box.

Transformations can be identified in the middle column by the gray text indicating the type and timeframe. By selecting a column you are able to make adjustments in the right hand panel.

For adding more, select the metric in the first section. This adds it to the active column in the middle, and you will need to select the column there to edit the Transformation in the final panel.

Edit Individual Columns

Similarly, using the dropdown arrow on each column header will allow you to quickly adjust.

Analyze Your Results

Many of the columns in your display table can be sorted by clicking on the column header. For additional analysis the display table offers Previews and Exports as well.

Sidebar Previews

Clicking on an Asset name will open the sidebar preview. Previews include a link to the full Project page and a price chart for a quick performance review. Enterprise users can toggle on Notable Event overlays to see the impact of major events on pricing. There is a brief description as well as external links to continue your review.


CSV Exports are available to Enterprise subscribers. Use the arrow icon in the top right corner of the results table to select a View for export.

Screener Hot Tips and Best Practices

  • When selecting filters, hover over the "i" icon next to the metric name to see a full definition and ensure you're applying the correct metric for your screen.
  • Many users will create a "base" screen to duplicate for future screens. Remember when you are saving your screen it includes the filters you have applied at the top as well as the columns you have customized in the table. Set your initial filters and columns, save your screen, and use that as the "base" to duplicate when creating new screens in the future.
  • Instead of starting from scratch, duplicate one of the over 50 sample screens to get started quickly and customize it to your needs.
  • Changes are not saved automatically, so remember to save your screen often by clicking the "Save" button.
  • In the "Manage Columns" dialog box, drag and drop columns to reorganize them. This helps you display the most relevant metrics at the forefront.
  • Easily access your custom screens in the "My Screens" section of the sidebar or the "Home" view for faster retrieval in future sessions.

Asset Screener FAQs

Do my filters and columns have to be the same?

The same metrics can be applied as filters and columns, and they do not have to be the same. For example, some users prefer to filter on one set of criteria and, since they know what that criteria is, choose to leave it out of the column table to have space for other metrics.

How do I export my table of results and custom columns?

Use the arrow in the top right corner of the table to export results to CSV, but note this functionality is currently only available to Enterprise subscribers.

What are Transformations?

Transformations are advanced filters that manipulate metrics (e.g., average, sum, change) over a defined period. These can be applied in a filter or a column, yet not on all metrics.

Can I share my screen with teammates?

After saving your screen in the top-right corner you can share it using the three-dot menu next to the save button.

What’s Next

Looking for something? Use the Contact Us form to reach a member of our team if you have any questions! Be sure to check out our Video Library and FAQs, too!