Fundraising Screener

Fundraising Screener Overview

Messari's Fundraising database provides an in-depth look at crypto fundraising rounds, M&A transactions, investment fund raises, and detailed portfolio data for investment firms and individual angel investors. We aim to capture the entirety of the crypto domain, offering users a holistic perspective of investments and fundraising activities within the sector.

This page includes a step-by-step guide on getting the most out of Messari's Fundraising Screener, along with hot tips for success, and FAQs collected from Messari subscribers. Be sure to check out the full Video Library for detailed walkthrough videos. Visit the Fundraising Taxonomy for definitions.


The Fundraising Screener is currently available for Messari Pro and Enterprise subscribers. Please visit our Pricing page to compare plans or Contact Us if you have any questions.

Fundraising Video

Accessing the Fundraising Screener

Use the Fundraising tab at the top of the Messari dashboard and select Fundraising Screener from the dropdown menu for a curated list of sample screens. These pre-made views were created in response to multiple requests from existing users, and many prefer to start by duplicating one for their own customization.

Creating a New Screen

Click Create New Screen in the top left-hand corner.

A pop-up will appear asking you to select the type of screener: Assets Screen, Investors Screen, or Deal Screen. For fundraising data, choose either the Investors Screen or Deal Screen (Rounds, M&A, or Funds).

  • Investors Screener: Filter over 14,000 Investors across stages, sectors, tags, geography, and more
  • Rounds Screener: Search over 14,000 Funding Rounds covering pre-seed to secondary using advanced filters for funded entity, investor, amount, valuation, stage, date, and more
  • M&A Screener: Explore over 800 M&A transactions to uncover market trends, potential acquirors, and more
  • Funds Screener: Access over 900 Funds ranging from VCs to hedge funds and ecosystem funds

Duplicating a Sample Screen

Choose one of 50+ Fundraising sample screens to open in read-only mode. Then, select Duplicate in the top right corner.

Popular sample screens include:

Saving and Sharing Screens

Changes will not save automatically. Be sure to give your screen a name and click Save in the top right corner frequently.

Use the options menu (three dots) to the right of Save to duplicate, revert to the last saved version, copy a link for sharing, edit, or delete your screen.

My Screens

Once a screen has been saved, they are available for access on the Home view or in the sidebar navigation under My Screens.

Customizing Your Screen

Adding Screen Filters

On your new or duplicated screen select New Filter to customize.

  1. Scroll through the available metrics or use the search bar to find your desired filter. Each Fundraising Screener (Investors, Rounds, M&A, and Funds) will have a custom list of metrics available to customize your results. Hover over the i to the left of the metric name for a full definition. Visit the Fundraising Taxonomy for definitions.

  1. Select the operator. For example, on a date filter, you can choose After, After and On, Before, Before and On, or On a specific date.
  1. Select the comparison criteria. Depending on the initial metric selected, the comparison criteria could include a picklist of choices, a static value, or another metric (Visit the Advanced Filters and Columns section below to learn more)

Customizing Column Views

Using Preset Column Views

Each Fundraising Screener (Investors, Rounds, M&A, and Funds) will start with pre-made column Views for quick review of your results

These Views are built with metrics applicable to the type of Screen you are creating. For example, to quickly review the results of an Investors Screen, pre-made views include an Overview, Investment Behavior, Investment Count by Year, and Round Amount Stats

Managing Columns

Click Add View to create a new view, or use the blue wand icon in the top right corner of the results table to edit the columns on your current view.

The Manage Columns dialog box is separated into three sections:

  1. Click Add on the metric you would like to view as a column. The same metrics that were available as filters are also available as columns.
  2. The middle section for Customize Columns allows you to click to the left of the column name to drag and drop into a new position. Or, use the three dots menu on each column name to Duplicate or Delete.
  3. After selecting the column you want to edit in the second section, the third section allows you to input a custom column name. If applicable you can apply an advanced filter, known as a Transformation (Visit the Advanced Filters and Columns section below to learn more).

Advanced Filters and Columns

Advanced Filtering, known as Transformations, allow you to fully unleash the power of Messari's Fundraising Dataset. Check out the sample screens to explore what can be achieved through Transformations. These can be applied to metrics in the filtering stage OR applied to metrics that are used in column Views.

Not all metrics can be used in Transformations, and an Fx icon will appear next to the field added when it is available.

Types of Transformations

Aggregate Functions

Aggregate functions allow you to filter based on the Average, Median, Min, Max, or Count over a specified period of time.

Average, Median, Min, Max

For example, selecting the Round Amount metric on the Investors Screener will allow you to filter your results for the Average. Choices of timeframes include All Time, the past X days, a Specific Year, MTD/QTD/YTD, or a Custom timeframe such as between two dates.


Metrics such as Funded Rounds Count on the Investor Screener are already running the Count aggregation in the background, and the Transformation allows you to specify what timeframe to Count across.

Count date ranges are available across the past X days, a Specific Year, MTD/QTD/YTD, or a Custom timeframe such as between two dates.

Counts by Deal Stage, Deal Type, Sector, Category, or Tag

Additional aggregated Count fields, such as Investment Count by Deal Stage or Investment Count by Category allow you to first select a target Stage or Category prior to the date range. This allows for a personalized and precise output of results.

Comparing Transformations to Transformations

The Transformation capabilities are incredibly powerful when choosing your screening criteria. These values can be compared to specified static values. However, the most advanced use case allows you to compare one Transformation to another.

This example will use the Investment Count By Category metric to identify 2024 investments in the Compute Networks Category. After selecting the operator greater than or equal to you can input the desired value to identify active Investors (more than 2 investments in this example).

For a more advanced screen, Transformations can also be used as the comparison criteria. To determine the level of investor activity in this example we will compare the counts in 2024 vs 2023.

  • Begin the same process as before by selecting Investment Count by Category and choosing the transformation of Compute Networks and 2024.
  • Choose the operator of greater than or equal to except instead of a static number, search again for Investment Count by Category.
  • Follow the same process by selecting Investment Count by Category and choosing the transformation of Compute Networks except this time the year will be 2023.

Transformations as Columns

Metric Transformations can be applied in Columns in the same fashion. Remember, the filters and columns are fully customizable and they do not have to be the same. You can Filter by certain metrics and view Columns with completely different metrics.

For this example we will use Investment Count by Category again to view the same rounds we just filtered on.

  • Select the blue wand icon in the top right corner of the results table, or select Manage Columns if you scroll all the way to the right of your column display.
  • Find Investment Count by Category and click on it to add it to the column display. In this Manage Column display box whichever column is highlighted in gray will allow you to edit its parameters on the right side section.
  • Choose Compute Networks from the dropdown, and apply the date range of 2024
  • Remember in the Manage Columns box you can use the six dots to the left of the column name to change their position
  • Click 'Update' to refresh your results
  • You can then click on the hyperlinked values returned in that column to view ONLY the Compute Network investments completed in 2024 by Investors that have a) completed 2 or more and b) completed more in 2024 than 2023

Analyzing Your Results

Many of the columns that can be added to the results table are hyperlinked for a deeper analysis. You will also see links that open externally, such as Twitter and Linkedin pages. Investor lists or Funded Entities will be compressed and you can hover your mouse over to expand.

Preview panel

Clicking on an Investor or Round in the first column will open the preview panel. This provides for a quick review of the underlying metadata tags, a brief description, external links, and much more.

Investor Example

For Investors, you will see links to their website and socials, Investment Count, Most Common Stage, Median Round Amount, First Investment Date, and Regular Co-Investors. Keep in mind these metrics can be used as Filters and Columns too! Finally, you will be able to scroll through all of the Investor's closed Rounds, with links to the Announcement for a deeper dive.

Round Example

For Rounds you will find a link to the public announcement, brief descriptions of the Entity and the Round, links to the Investors, and external links such as LinkedIn and Twitter. As this is all publicly available information, if the Amount Raised and Post Money Valuation are known, they will be included. Finally you can reference the taxonomy tags which can be helpful for applying Filters and Columns in the future!

Column links

Many of the customizable columns will be hyperlinked to additional information as well. The Links column will provide external links such as Twitter or the Entity website.

Using the Transformation example above, the most powerful use case of Screener customization allows you to review a specific subset of data within your larger results table. A column for the count of Investments in the Compute Networks Category was added. Clicking on the results showcases the resulting Rounds in the sidebar preview.


CSV Exports are available to Enterprise subscribers. Use the arrow icon in the top right corner of the results table to select a View for export. Please see the Fundraising API Reference for advanced retrieval requests.

Fundraising Pages

Fundraising pages cover Projects that have completed raises, Investors, and individual Angel Investors. These are accessible through the main search or when selectingView Fundraising Page or View Investor Pageat the top of the preview panel.

Check out Solana's Project Fundraising page as an example. For examples of Investor and Angel pages, check out the Solana Foundation and Balaji Srinivasan.

Use the Messari Classification System and Fundraising Taxonomy for detailed definitions.

Project Fundraising Page

An Entity's fundraising page displays:

  • a short description
  • key data such as total amount raised, number of investors, number of funding rounds, first and latest funding round dates, and cumulative funding raised over time
  • links to external sources
  • additional information on individual funding rounds and the entity's investors

Investors & Angels Page

An investor's or angel's page includes a short summary and links to related external resources, as well as data on all rounds and co-investors. There may be multiple views for Investments, Funds, and the Investor Portfolio.

The Investments view may include data such as:

  • Most common sector among the entities the investor has invested in
  • Regular co-investors
  • Information on their first and latest investment
  • Investment count by round size, Sector (top 10), or Ecosystem (top 10)
  • Number of investments over time

The Funds view includes information on specific funding rounds the investor has initiated. Filter by Fund name, Fund Manager, and/or Limited Partner using the search bar and dropdown filters at the top of the table.

Fundraising Screener Hot Tips and Best Practices

  • Use the keyboard shortcut SHIFT + ENTER to automatically begin a transformation when a metric is selected in the Filters.
  • The same metrics are available as Filters and Columns. However, they are independent of one another. You can filter on one set of metrics and customize your columns on a completely different set of metrics.
  • Always remember to click Save after making customizations to your filters and views to avoid losing any changes. Selecting Save will save the filters applied as well as custom columns added in your view.
  • Many users prefer specific Views on all Screens. For this we recommend saving a Screen with no filters and only a customized view. This can be used as a template for all future screens instead of selecting Create New Screen every time.

Fundraising FAQs

What sources does Messari use to aggregate Fundraising data?

The Fundraising team has multiple ingestion sources monitoring Investors, Teams, and various Outlets. News sources are monitored for official announcements, and Edgar Form D's are monitored closely for US activity. Many announcements come directly from the Entity or Investor in the form of a blog, forum, Twitter, etc. Official announcements are tracked across News outlets such as CoinDesk, Bloomberg, etc.

Messari analysts work closely with Investment teams and funded Entities to confirm data accuracy. Please reach out to our team if you are an Investor or Entity and would like your information updated.

Visit the Fundraising Taxonomy page to learn more!

What types of Screens can I create?

There are four sections of the Fundraising database that can be utilized to create Screeners, depending on what results you are looking to retrieve. Please visit the Asset Screener page for screening across market data, classifications, and more.

  • Investors Screener: Filter over 14,000 Investors across stages, sectors, tags, geography, and more
  • Rounds Screener: Search over 14,000 Funding Rounds covering pre-seed to secondary using advanced filters for funded entity, investor, amount, valuation, stage, date, and more
  • M&A Screener: Explore over 800 M&A transactions to uncover market trends, potential acquirors, and more
  • Funds Screener: Access over 900 Funds ranging from VCs to hedge funds and ecosystem funds

How do I understand your taxonomy?

Please visit the Messari Classification System page for mapping across Categories, Sectors, and Tags. For Fundraising-specific mapping, such as Type and Stage, please visit the Fundraising Taxonomy page.

How do I add columns to my table View?

Click the blue wand icon in the top right-hand corner of the display table to manage columns. Select the metrics you want to add as columns, use drag-and-drop positioning, perform transformations, and input custom column names as needed.

Can I share my customized screen with others?

Use the three dots ... icon next to the Save button in the top right corner of the Filter section to "Copy Link" for sharing with teammates.

Why is Amount Raised or Post Money Valuation blank?

The Messari Fundraising dataset is built from public information. Despite checking multiple sources to confirm the validity and accuracy, in many cases, these fields are not publicly disclosed.

How are others utilizing the Messari Fundraising Screener?

  • Investment Firms and Angels are using Messari Fundraising data to identify new deal flow and monitor overall market trends.
  • Startups are using the Fundraising dataset to raise funds, identify potential investors, and monitor funding trends among competitors.
  • Corporate Development teams use Fundraising data to identify potential acquisition opportunities and monitor industry trends.
  • Business Development teams search across Rounds to identify prospects across newly funded entities.

How can I tell if there is a token associated with funded Entity?

Using the Rounds screener, you can apply the Has Native Asset metric as a Filter or Column. This is a TRUE/FALSE flag to identify whether or not the funded entity has a native asset that is currently tracked by Messari market data.

What’s Next

Looking for something? Use the Contact Us form to reach a member of our team if you have any questions! Be sure to check out our Video Library and FAQs, too!