Key Developments Taxonomy


CanceledAn event or proposal that is no longer relevant (i.e., a proposal merged into a newer proposal)
CompletedAn event or proposal that has been completed.
DiscussedAn event with no definitive decisions or timetables (i.e., a future release)
In-ProgressAn event that has started but is not yet completed (i.e., a hack, investigation, node issue, liquidity mining program, etc.)
PendingA proposal or event agreed upon but set to occur at a date in the future (i.e., Exchange listing or Release)
ProposedA proposal that community members are currently voting on
RejectedWhen a proposal has failed to reach quorum or fails to garner a majority of votes.


LowAn event in the asset’s scope that has negligible effects on the functions or longevity of the asset. Would likely not be discussed outside of the original announcement
MediumAn event that will cause a noticeable change in an asset and cause discussion within the community. It's likely to cause some media coverage
HighA significant event or change to an asset that significantly impacts how the protocol functions and how market participants interact with the asset. These events will lead to long-term changes in the asset's behavior and will likely have high media coverage
Very HighA critical event that will define one or multiple assets over the short and long term. These events can also shape entire market sectors and will have complete media coverage


LowIncludes events where no action is needed, and there will be no direct impact on users and customers
MediumStandard software releases are the benchmark for this importance. Analysts flag the event for users, but the event likely doesn’t include any actionable items that are time-sensitive
HighFor events that our customers need to see but are not a “drop everything and take action” type. Generally, anything more important than a standard software release
Very HighThis is rarely used and indicates an event that directly impacts our users and their customers, particularly if an action needs to be taken or is time-sensitive

Categories and Subcategories

Category NameSub-Category NameDefinitionsExamples (Using Old Taxonomy)
Parameter ChangeInterest Rate AdjustmentInvolves an interest rate adjustment that affects depositors and/or borrowers.
Collateral Parameter ChangeInvolves a change to an asset’s borrowing power, usually through an increase or reduction of a liquidation threshold or loan-to-value ratio.
Collateral Asset Cap AdjustmentInvolves the increase or reduction of the supply or borrow cap of a collateral asset.
Gauge AdjustmentInvolves the introduction or deprecation of a gauge or gauge adjustments that impact how a project’s emissions allocated to gauges are distributed.
Other Market or Asset AdjustmentOther standard parameter changes that don’t fall into the aforementioned categories.
Protocol Parameter ChangeInvolves the adjustment of a network parameter.
Oracle AdjustmentInvolves oracle-specific parameter changes applied to an oracle that is already in use by a protocol.
Fee Parameter ChangeInvolves a pre-existing protocol fee being adjusted or applied to a new market.
Treasury ManagementStrategic InvestmentInvolves the use of treasury assets to acquire non-like assets, usually for profit-seeking or runway-preserving purposes.
Strategic AllocationInvolves the usage or deployment of treasury assets for strategic purposes; the DAO maintains ownership over the assets being deployed
Strategic Token SwapInvolves a token swap between two projects, usually as part of a partnership.
Other Treasury OperationsOther standard treasury management-related activities that don’t fall into the aforementioned categories.
Treasury ExpenseProject Team FundingInvolves the disbursement of treasury assets to the core team or entities formed by the DAO, including subDAOs, workstreams, or councils.
Service Provider FundingInvolves the disbursement of treasury assets to external service providers, including risk service providers, or projects intending to integrate.
Insurance FundingInvolves the allocation of treasury assets to an insurance pool, ultimately approving the future disposal of the assets following unforeseen circumstances such as a shortfall or exploit.
Bug Bounty ProgramInvolves the introduction of a new incentivized bug bounty program.
Grant ProgramInvolves the introduction of a new grants program or a significant grant being rewarded.
Incentives ProgramInvolves the introduction of or deprecation of an incentives program funded by the treasury.
Protocol ManagementProtocol Fee AdjustmentInvolves a new fee being applied or adjusted at the protocol level.
Discontinued ProductInvolves the deprecation of a product, service, or contract.
Fix or MaintenanceInvolves standard adjustments to a protocol.
New Collateral AssetA new collateral asset or market is being added, introducing a new risk to the protocol.
New Supported Asset or MarketInvolves the introduction of a new asset or market without collateral support.
Strategic ShiftInvolves the formal announcement of a major change in a project’s strategy or roadmap.
Project StrategyMiscellaneous events related to protocol management.
PartnershipInvolves the announcement of a strategic partnership that is formally acknowledged on both sides.
Token Swap or MigrationInvolves the migration of a token to a new token contract.
Network UpgradeInvolves the coordinated upgrade of a blockchain which requires participation from node operators.
Component Upgrade or MaintenanceInvolves an upgrade to a specific existing network or protocol component.
Governance UpdateInvolves any changes to a project’s governance contracts, structure, or processes.
Token ChangeInvolves significant changes to a token or a token’s utility that’s not a token swap.
Team and OperationsProject Team UpdateInvolves notable updates related to a project’s core team or official working groups.
Developer CallA call designed to inform developers about recent or upcoming changes to the protocol.
New Brand or RebrandInvolves the introduction of a new brand or the official rebranding of a project.
Community CallA call led by community members or primarily designed to inform community members about a protocol’s updates or operational developments.
Financial ReportInvolves the publication of a financial report.
Governance CallA call primarily focused on a governance proposal or governance operations.
Audit ReportInvolves the publication of a completed audit report.
Layoffs or RestructuringInvolves an entity restructuring itself or reducing the size of its workforce.
Bankruptcy or Deprecation of ProjectInvolves an entity declaring bankruptcy or formally sunsetting all business operations.
Geofencing or CensorshipInvolves a frontend adjustment restricting access for users in specific locations.
Token DelegationInvolves the delegation of treasury assets, usually for governance participation purposes.
IntegrationNetwork DeploymentInvolves the deployment of a pre-existing protocol to a new network.
New OracleInvolves a project integrating a new oracle, introducing new oracle risks to the protocol.
Canonical Token DeploymentInvolves a project identifying a bridged version of its native token as “canonical,” usually in an effort to avoid liquidity fragmentation.
Network IntegrationA project adds support for a new network. Generally applies to cross-chain bridges and oracle protocols where a new network integration can be considered relevant to existing network users.
Token SupplyEmissions AdjustmentInvolves adjustments to a protocol’s emissions rate.
Supply LockInvolves the non-programmatic lock of a protocol’s native token.
Supply UnlockInvolves the non-programmatic unlock of a protocol’s native token.
Native Token AirdropInvolves a project airdropping its native token.
Non-Native Token AirdropInvolves a project’s users or token holders being eligible to receive an airdrop from an external project.
Token MintInvolves the non-programmatic minting of a protocol’s native token.
Token BurnInvolves the non-programmatic burning of a protocol’s native token.
Software ReleaseClient ReleaseA new version of a client is released.
SDK ReleaseA new version of a software development kit is released.
Smart Contract Programming Language ReleaseA new smart contract programming language is released.
Other Network Component ReleaseA new version of a network component that doesn’t fall into the other Software Release categories is released.
ReleaseDeveloper ToolingNew developer tooling is released, usually by a core team.
New ProductInvolves the introduction of an entirely new product or feature that offers new functionality.
New TokenAn entirely new token is being launched.
User ToolingNew user tooling is released, usually by community contributors.
Network Mainnet Launch or New NetworkInvolves the release of an entirely new blockchain.
Network Testnet Launch or New TestnetInvolves the release of a new dedicated testnet.
New ClientInvolves the release of a brand new client for an existing network.
New Feature or ModuleInvolves the release of a brand new client for an existing network.
Protocol UpgradeInvolves a major upgrade or new version of an existing protocol.
Token ListingCentralized Exchange Spot ListingA major centralized exchange enables spot trading for an asset for the first time.
Centralized Exchange Derivatives ListingA major centralized exchange enables futures trading for an asset for the first time.
Centralized Exchange DelistingA major centralized exchange completely removes trading support for an asset.
Staking Service ListingA centralized exchange introduces custodial staking support for a listed asset.
Custody Platform ListingA custody platform adds support for a new asset.
Fund or Index ListingA fund or index adds a new asset or removes an existing one.
Security and HacksProtocol ExploitInvolves a hack or attack that impacts a protocol’s core contracts, resulting in the loss of funds.
Frontend ExploitInvolves a frontend being compromised; user funds are only at risk if they interact with the frontend.
Vulnerability DisclosureInvolves the disclosure of a security-related vulnerability.
Centralized Exchange Loss of FundsInvolves a centralized exchange losing user or custodial funds.
Consensus-Related ExploitInvolves a 51% attack or similar attack in which a malicious actor gains control of a network to violate preexisting consensus rules of a network.
Other Hack or AttackInvolves a security-related exploit that cannot be granularly classified into protocol exploit or frontend exploit.
FundingEquity FundingInvolves the sale of equity in exchange for cash.
Debt FundingInvolves raising money through borrowing.
Private Token SaleInvolves the sale of tokens that are exclusively accessible to certain individuals or entities and not to the general public.
Public Token SaleInvolves a range of public fundraising techniques such as ICOs, IDOs, IEOs, and other similar crowdfunding mechanisms.
IPO, SPAC, or Direct ListingInvolves the initial public offering of a project or the listing of a project on a stock exchange.
Mergers and AcquisitionsInvolves the merging of two or more entities or the acquisition of one entity by the other.
Ecosystem FundInvolves a fund raised for the purposes of financially supporting projects in a specific ecosystem.
Accelerator ProgramInvolves a program that provides capital and resources to a select group of startups.
Legal and RegulatoryRegulatory or Legal Status UpdateInvolves the formal classification of an entity's legal or regulatory status by a governing body.
Regulatory Notice or WarningInvolves a warning, appeal, or an action that isn't a direct initiation of legal action.
New or Updated Legal EntityInvolves the establishment of a separate legal entity, usually for a DAO or core contributors.
New Regulation or RulesInvolves the creation of new rules and regulatory policies by a governing body.
Regulatory or Legal Enforcement ActionInvolves a regulatory or legal body formally pursuing an enforcement action against an entity.
New Regulated Financial InstrumentInvolves the introduction of a new product that is tradable in traditional financial markets.
PerformanceNetwork CongestionInvolves widespread network issues being reported due to abnormally high activity; the network is still operational.
Blockchain HaltA network has stopped producing blocks and may require external intervention for block production to resume.
Node OutageInvolves an event where certain nodes go offline.
Unstable Network ConditionsInvolves degraded network performance.
Bug DisclosureInvolves the disclosure of a bug that could have negatively impacted the protocol’s performance.


Breaking ChangeNeed def. This Tag can only be associated to an event if the Category of the event is Software Release.
Mandatory ReleaseNeed def This Tag can only be associated to an event if the Category of the event is Software Release.
Associated with Network UpgradeSoftware release or contract deployment which introduces new features to the network. This Tag can only be associated to an event if the Category of the event is Software Release.
Hard ForkAn upgrade of the network that implements a node version that is not backward compatible with previous releases. This tag can only be associated to an event if the Sub-Category of the event is Network Upgrade or Chain Split.
Downtime AssociatedNeed def This tag can only be associated to an event if the Sub-Category of the event is Network Upgrade or Chain Split.
Governance VoteA proposal has been put to vote by a protocol or DAO and involves participation by token holders, elected members, or team members. This tag can be associated with any event.