Key Developments

Key Developments Overview

Messari's Key Developments provide real-time updates and detailed analysis of all major events for over 500 protocols. Messari Analysts monitor key sources and communication channels, allowing users to manage more assets with greater efficiency and fewer resources. Real-time notifications regarding major events assist users in making timely, more informed decisions.

This page includes a step-by-step guide on getting the most from Messari's Key Developments, along with hot tips for success and FAQs collected from Messari users. Be sure to check out the full Video Library for detailed walkthrough videos.


Key Developments is currently available for Messari Enterprise subscribers. Please visit our Pricing page to compare plans or Contact Us if you have any questions.

Key Developments Video

Access Key Developments

Use the top menu to find the Intel tab and select Key Developments from the dropdown. This provides a table view of Key Development alerts.

Navigating Key Developments

On the Key Developments page, there are multiple, pre-made sample views in the left-side navigation menu, including:

Filter Events

Use the filters at the top of the page to customize your results. Visit the Key Developments Taxonomy to learn more. Available filters include:

  • Asset or Watchlist: filter by specific assets or user-created Watchlists
  • Urgency: identify how time-sensitive or actionable an event is for stakeholders
  • Category: 14 high-level categories according to the event's taxonomy
  • Subcategory: 70+ sub-categories available for advanced filtering according to the event's taxonomy
  • Impact: classifies the scale of the potential effect of an event on the asset or its fundamentals
  • Status: tracks the stage of events that are still in progress
  • Tags: used as a compliment to certain Category and Subcategory filters for recurring themes
  • Type: filter between Asset or Global events

Example Use Case

Many users start by filtering with their Watchlist assets. Then, to filter out lower value alerts, they will use the Impact field to select only those events which are considered to have a High or Very High impact.

Review Events and Updates

Messari tracks events for their full duration, which can mean that an event might have multiple updates, each with its own Urgency level.

These event details are fully vetted for accuracy by the Messari Analyst team. There are no automatic updates as the Analyst team always confirms the validity to enhance the reliability of the information provided.

Event Preview

Selecting an event name in the table to open the preview panel. The preview panel allows users to quickly review the event taxonomy, as well as the event's entire history of updates. Remember, there can be multiple alerts associated with each event.

In the example below, the first update was of Medium urgency while the most recent update was High.

Full Event Page

Select the View Full Event link to access the Full Event Page. This page provides the full taxonomy and event history, key metrics such as the price change since the event began or since the last update was provided, as well as a list of related events.

The Event Page contains:

  • Title: Each event title will give you a snapshot of what the event is about. Along with the title, if there is a list of the related assets and other tracked events.
  • Urgency Levels: Not all events are equal. In order to understand the level of importance and whether you need to take any action, each event page shows the assigned urgency level.
  • Impact Levels: Impact levels are displayed at a per-event level. Impact is a static field in most instances.
  • Updates and History: Events can take place in several stages. Messari Analysts track the event through all of its stages. For example, a Governance Vote will begin when the voting of the proposal has taken place and when it has been approved for implementation. The latest update will always be shown on the main page but you can also access the full history of the event by clicking on the View Full History link located at the bottom of the event.
  • Event Details: Event details are a summary of the event and the important areas that it covers. For example, this can include information on what a proposal will change in a DAO or protocol if passed. Other information, such as when the voting will end on the proposal, or links to the changelog and release notes of an implementation, will also be included.
  • Categories: Every event is assigned one category and one sub-category. These categories help with filtering events that are relevant to you.
  • Resources: In addition to providing the event details, an event page can have attached resources so that you can get more data and context about the event.

Visit the Key Developments Taxonomy to learn more!

are available.

Create Key Developments Alerts

Use the Create Alert button in the top right corner of the Key Developments page to set up alerts for Email or Slack delivery. You can choose to receive Instant alerts or a Daily or Weekly summary.

Alerts can be scheduled for Events tied to specific assets or for Global Events that have an impact across the entire crypto landscape.

Clicking on Switch to Advanced Editor will allow you to create groups of conditions that must be met to trigger an alert. One or more groups of conditions must be met before an alert is triggered.

Global Events Alerts

Global Events are classified as those which can have an impact across the crypto industry as a whole. To set up a Global Event alert, first use the red trashcan icon to delete the default asset alert criteria. Select the bubble for Global Events. Typically, users do not apply additional Conditions to make sure they receive all Global Event alerts.

Continue with setting up the Delivery Method and Scheduling, as described below.

Asset Events Alerts

For Asset alerts, conditions can be added using the same criteria as the filters users apply on the Key Developments page. Continuing from the example above, we will create an Instant alert for our Watchlist Assets that have a High or Very High Impact.

For the first condition, select Assets, then click on the next dropdown to choose Import from Watchlist.

Click Add Condition to continue refining your Alert policy. Choose Impact, the operator At Least, then select High to see those that are tagged with High and Very High Importance.

Select Continue in the bottom right corner to advance through the Alert policy creation process.

Delivery Method and Scheduling

Provide a name for your Alert policy, and for those creating multiple alerts, it helps to populate the optional Description field outlining the policy's details.

Use the Schedule dropdown to choose whether you would like to see these alerts immediately or in a Daily or Weekly summary.

For the final step, choose whether you would like these alerts delivered via Email to the email address associated with your Messari Enterprise account, or if they should be delivered to a Slack channel.

For the final step, choose whether you would like these alerts delivered via Email to the email address associated with your Messari Enterprise account, or if they should be delivered to a Slack channel.

Manage Key Developments Alerts

To Edit, Duplicate, or Disable previously-created alerts, you can select your Account Icon in the top right corner of the platform and choose Alerts. Or, select Alert Manager from under Tools in the top menu.

The Alert Manager will default to the Key Developments alert policies. There are sections for Active Policies and Inactive Policies.

Use the Disable button to turn off an alert, or use the ... menu to Edit, Duplicate, or Delete the policy.

Note: Under Inactive Policies, you will see pre-built samples. They are listed here for quick activation due to their popularity and positive feedback from Messari Enterprise users.

Slack Integration

To set up the integration for your Slack Workspace, you need to be an Admin of a Messari Enterprise team. Only Admins can install the integration and manage the list of whitelisted channels. Follow these steps to install the integration:

  • Head over to the Slack Integration page and click Add to Slack.
  • You’ll be redirected to Slack to allow the Messari Integration to access your Slack workspace. This shows what the integration will be able to view. Click Allow to continue.
  • Once the installation is successful, you’ll see a confirmation screen on Messari. Click Continue.
  • By default, the Messari Integration is not allowed to post to any channel. The next dialog will ask you to select channels you want to approve. Those are the channels that will be shown as options to your Enterprise team users when they set up their Key Developments alerting policies.

Users from your organization will be able to select any of the approved channels when building their alerting policies on the Alerts page.

Slack Permissions Requested

Messari Intel will request permissions to:

  • View public channels within your workspace, in order to enable sending intel notifications to those channels
  • For administrators: send messages to any public or private channel, once the app is installed
  • For regular users (anyone other than the app installer): choose from a list of pre-authorized channels selected by an administrator
  • Send messages to the target channels configured by your alert policies

Slack Permissions Explained

There are two distinct categories of permissions:

  1. What actions the bot is able to perform
  2. What actions the app is able to perform on behalf of the user who performed the install

In general, most of our permissions are granted for the bot user. We use Slack’s latest granular permissions for bot users, meaning we only request the permissions that are necessary. Read more in Slack's Documentation.

Check out this Slack page for more information about app permissions and this page for a detailed list of permissions granted for each scope. Here are the scopes that Messari Intel will request upon install:

Bot Permissions

  • team:read - we use this to get info about your Slack team in order to display the team logo on the settings page
  • channels:read,groups:read,im:read - we use these permissions to see what public channels, as well as private channels and direct messages, that Messari Intel can write to. Note that Messari intel can only see private channels or groups once invited, and will never reveal the names of any public or private channels unless specifically whitelisted
  • channels:join - gives Messari Intel permission to join a channel once invited
  • chat:write,chat:write.public - allows Messari Intel to post to public channels without being invited, and private channels, group messages ,and direct messages when invited. Messari Intel will only send messages to channels that have been whitelisted by an administrator during the install process and chosen as the delivery channel for a user’s alert policy. Visit this Slack page for additional information

User Permissions

  • groups:read - we use this to list the private channels of the user that installed the app in order to make those channels visible for selection. Those channels will only be visible in the policy selector and only when logged in as an administrator (they won’t be shown to other users)
  • groups:write - we use this permission to invite Messari Intel to a private channel on your behalf. Messari Intel will only be invited to a private channel if it is selected as the target for an alert policy and it is not already a member of that channel

Slack Data Retention

We retain certain information about the Slack integration in order for the app to function. This information includes:

  • The Messari Enterprise Account and the Slack Account that are linked
  • Access tokens required to make API requests to Slack
  • The whitelisted channel IDs (not channel names!) that are configured through the Slack install page

When the Slack integration is uninstalled, all of the data retained by the install is removed, and access tokens are revoked. This information may be retained in our backups for a maximum period of two weeks.

All of our data is hosted using Amazon Web Services. We follow security best practices and update passwords to our databases several times a year to prevent unauthorized access.

Disable Slack Integration

You can disable the Slack Integration at any time. This will effectively disable it for all of your Enterprise team users, and alerts will no longer be posted to your Slack workspace.

Key Developments Chart Overlay

Messari's Key Developments chart overlay feature is available to Enterprise users on the Homepage and Project Page. Also, you will see a chart on the preview panel that opens when selecting an asset on the Asset Screener, Assets Dataset, or Ecosystems Dataset.

This feature allows users to overlay notable events on top of market data charts to gauge the price impact. Notable events are high-impact, fundamental events that are curated to give the highest signal to stakeholders and asset researchers.

To activate chart overlays, simply turn on the Notable events toggle on each chart. Both Asset and Global Events are available.

Key Developments Hot Tips & Best Practices

  • Start with the pre-made sample views, located on the left-side navigation menu of the Key Developments page. Use them to easily review Notable Events, All Events, and Global Events, as well as Infrastructure, Security, and Regulatory events.
  • Visit the Alert Manager to confirm which alerts are already active on your Enterprise account. There are multiple samples available to activate or duplicate and then customize as your own.
  • You can set as many alerts as needed. Many users prefer to set multiple alerts for different Watchlists, categories or subcategories, delivery schedules, etc.
  • Before creating an alert, many users test their filtering first on the table view. This allows you to understand what event details will be included by clicking on an event's preview panel. This helps users decide which alert policy filtering criteria is most beneficial to their workflow.
  • Review the Key Developments Taxonomy to understand the metadata tagging available as you build your alert policies.
  • Utilize the Importance and Urgency rankings to help prioritize your actions accordingly.
  • Combine multiple filters, such as your Watchlist and an Importance rating, to focus only on high-signal events.
  • Be aware of the number of alerts you will receive when choosing Instant delivery versus a Daily or Weekly summary. To avoid cluterring their inbox, many users prefer the daily or weekly summaries for the hundreds of assets they monitor across multiple alert categories.

Key Developments FAQs

Where can I view the full list of Event Categories and Subcategories?

Visit the Key Developments Taxonomy page to review Categories, Subcategories, Tags, Status, Impact, and Urgency.

How does Messari track all of these events?

The power of Messari’s Key Development alerts lies in the multiple ingestion sources and Messari's highly-skilled team of Analysts. The team monitors social media, blogs, official press releases, on-chain activity, and much, much more. Before pushing out an alert, the Analysts will perform a thorough review to confirm the accuracy and validity of the event.

Where can I find sample Key Development alert policies?

Enterprise users will have sample alerts activated as an introduction to the feature, and there are many more available in the Alert Manager for activation or duplication.

What is a Notable Event?

Notable Events are high impact, fundamental events that are curated to give the highest signal to users. Lesser impact events, such as governance votes and software releases, are omitted from this view.

What is the difference between an Asset Event and a Global Event?

An Asset Event must be tied to at least one specific asset, while a Global Event is one that may impact the crypto industry as a whole. Visit the Global Events page to review historical events such as ETF approvals, CPI releases, Jobs Reports, and more.

Does Messari use AI or automation to create and send alerts?

Each alert that is pushed out has been reviewed by the Messari Analyst team. This is to confirm the validity of the event and to minimize the need for retractions, ensuring the reliability of the high-value alerts our users have come to depend on.

Who uses Key Developments?

  • Infrastructure providers use Key Developments to get real-time updates on network activity like software upgrades, service outages, and maintenance releases.
  • Key Developments is used by Investors to monitor their portfolio, leveraging alerts to adjust positions and monitor target assets
  • Exchanges use Key Developments to track network changes, legal and regulatory considerations, and much more

What’s Next

Looking for something? Use the Contact Us form to reach a member of our team if you have any questions! Be sure to check out our Video Library and FAQs, too!