Token Unlocks

An overview of the Token Unlocks Explorer section within Messari Intel Page


Token Unlocks allows users to easily explore, compare, and analyze token unlock data for almost 100 assets.

Navigating & Exploring Token Unlocks

Use the Token Unlocks Explorer page to view unlock data for a growing number of assets. On this page, you can quickly and easily view and compare upcoming unlock events and related metrics across assets.

You can browse the full list of assets supported at From there, you can easily filter and explore token unlock data.

There are several new token unlock-specific columns within the explorer:

  • % Unlocks Completed: This is the percentage of the tokens allocated to vesting schedules that have been unlocked up to the present date. Hovering will show the amount of tokens unlocked and total tokens allocated to vesting.
  • Next Cliff Unlock: This column shows the time (in days) till the nearest cliff unlock for the token. The primary value is the USD value of the unlock and the secondary value is the percentage change on the current circ. supply that the unlock will have. Hovering will show the unlock amount and percentage change in the current circ. supply broken up by allocation category.
  • Next Daily Linear Unlock: This column shows the time (in days) till the daily linear unlock rate of a token changes. The value to the left of the arrow is the current daily unlock rate for the token and the value to the right is the new rate it will change to. The percentage is the change between the two rates. Hovering will show the rate changes broken up by allocation category. The bottom of the tooltip also states the other categories that will continue to unlock, but are not subject to a rate change.
  • Daily Unlocks: The current daily unlocks occurring for the token.
  • Cum. Unlock Amount (Next): The aggregate USD value and amount of tokens unlocking in the next selected time span.
  • Cum. Unlock Amount (Prev): The aggregate USD value and amount of tokens unlocked in the previous selected time span.
  • % Circ. Supply Change (Next): The % change on current circ. supply that the unlocks happening in the next selected time span will have.

On the sidebar, located on the left-hand side of the page, there are curated pre-sorted and pre-filtered views.

The descriptions for each view can be found below:

  • All: Assets are ranked by the nearest unlock event. Assets with Cliff events take priority over assets with just Daily Linear Rate Change events if they are on the same day. Assets with just Daily Linear Rate Change events on the same day are ordered by the assets' Circulating Marketcap.
  • Largest 30D Circ. Supply Impact: Assets are ranked by the largest percentage change in Circulating Supply the next 30D of token unlocks will have.
  • Highest % Unlocks Completed: Assets are ranked by the largest percentage of tokens unlocked out of the total token allocation.
  • Lowest % Unlocks Completed: Assets are ranked by the smallest percentage of tokens unlocked out of the total token allocation.
  • Largest Cliff Events by USD: Assets are ranked by the largest USD value of their nearest Cliff unlock event.
  • Largest % Change In Daily Linear Rate: Assets are ranked by the largest percentage change of their nearest Daily Linear Rate Change event.
  • DeFi: Assets are filtered by if they are tagged as a decentralized finance-based token.

On the top of the explorer table, there are two views you can toggle between to filter columns:

Overview: Includes “Price” and “Price Change” columns in the explorer.

Unlocks: Removes “Price” and “Price Change” to more easily surface unlock related metrics.

To further filter on the “All” tab, you can use the “% Unlocks Completed” and “Marketcap” drop-downs to select a specific range of values you want to see.

You can also locate an asset by using the search bar in the top left. This will return the results of the asset containing your search query. For example, searching 'aa' will return all assets containing 'aa'.

You can adjust the time span between 24H, 7D, 30D, 90D, 180D, and 1Y by clicking the Span dropdown located on the top right of the table.

Selecting a particular asset will take you to the respective token unlocks page.