Apply Filters to your Screen
You can apply an unlimited number of filters using our filters typehead. This page guides you on how to best leverage the screener's advanced filtering capabilities.
Applying Filters: Introduction
Simply click the New Filter button in the filter section to add your filters.
From there, you can start adding filters by searching any metric or field supported directly in the search bar or scrolling through the list of metrics available with your keyboard or mouse.
You can also navigate through the different types of metrics (All, Market Data, Marketcap, Classification, On-Chain) through the top level navigation of the filter dropdown. Once a metric or field has been selected, you can apply your filter. You can filter based on a given value, or in comparison to another metric.
Once your filter has been applied, you can easily see how many assets match the condition set:
Applying Functions to Metrics Filters
You can also apply functions to the different metrics. To do so click on the fx button next to the metric label. The below options are available:
- On a specific date. For example, you can filter based on the price or market cap of an asset on a specific date in the past.
- Sum: filter based on the cumulative sum of a given over a defined time-period. Only available for cumulative metrics.
- Average: filter based on the average of a given metric over a defined time-period
- Min: filter based on the minimum value of a given metric over a defined time-period
- Max: filter based on the maximum value of a given metric over a defined time-period
- Median: filter based on the median of a given metric over a defined time-period
- Change: filter based on the absolute change of a given metric over a defined time-period. Available for Price, Marketcap and other metrics.
- % Change: filter based on the percentage change of a given metric over a defined time-period. Available for Price, Marketcap and other metrics.
For each of these transformations, you can select from a large array of timeframe options settings:
- Last X days or hours: Hour-based timeframes are only available for Volume and price metrics at the moment.
- Specific Year (2022, 2021, etc.)
- To date: Month-to-Date, Quarter-to-Date, Year-to-Date
- Custom timeframes: Select an interval between two custom dates, or select a single date to apply a transformation since that date.
These allow you to perform advanced filtering. A couple of examples include:
- Price AVG (50D) greater than Price AVG (200D)
- Price % Change since a given Date lower than the Price % Change YTD
- Real Volume SUM (30D) greater than $1b
Applying Qualitative Filters
Along with metrics filters, the screener also allows you to set up a number of qualitative filters. For each of those you can define an operator between Is & Is Not. If Is is selected, it will exclude all assets that do not match this condition. If Is Not is selected, it will exclude all assets that match the selected option. These qualitative filters include:
- Assets: Filter results to include one asset or multiple
- Watchlist: Filter results based on assets on one or several of your watchlists
- Sector: Filter results to include one sector or multiple sectors
- Category: Filter results to include one category or multiple categories
- Tags: Filter results based on a tag or multiple tags applied to assets
- Exchanges: Filter results based on exchange coverage
- Networks: Filter results based on networks where assets are deployed
You can also combine multiple consecutive Exchange & Network filters to further narrow down your results. For example, the below set of filters will provide you with a list of assets that are trading on all exchanges selected and which are DeFi assets (you can view this example screen [here](<
Combining Multiple Filters
You can combine an unlimited number of filters. Simply click on Create New Filter to keep adding filters. As you combine multiple filters, you can use the right side tooltip to find out about how many assets match each filter, individually, or when combined with the other filters.
At any point you can edit back your applied filters by clicking on the filter labels, or delete them by clicking on the trash icon.
Updated 6 months ago