Protocol Metrics and Definitions

Explanations of the methodologies and definitions used to create the data found on Protocol Metrics.

Messari Subgraphs

The data shown in the Protocol Explorer comes from Messari-created subgraphs. These subgraphs extract data from the blockchain using a standardized schema. This schema allows the data to be in a format fit for analytics.

For more information on the Messari subgraphs and their availability, please find read our Github Subgraph Repo.

Subgraph Metrics

Within the Subgraph Repo is the Subgraphs folder. This is a list of the available subgraphs and the current calculation methodology being used.

See an example here.

Protocol Categories

Algorithm AssetsProtocols that use an algorithm to determine asset value
BridgesProtocols that connect two blockchains together to send tokens
Decentralized ExchangeProtocols that support peer-to-peer trading of tokens
DerivativesProtocols that enable the creation of synthetic assets
GamingProtocols for the trading of in-game assets
IndexesProtocols that group assets and track their performance
InsuranceProtocols that offer financial protections for users
LaunchpadProtocols that support the launch of new Web3 projects
LendingProtocols that enable users to borrow and lend assets
Liquid StakingProtocols that reward users who have staked tokens
NFTProtocols that allow for the buying and selling of NFTs
OracleProtocols that deliver external data to blockchains
Prediction MarketProtocols that enable traders to make price predictions
PrivacyProtocols that provide privacy to users and transactions
Protocol Owned LiquidityProtocols that allow protocols themselves to own liquidity
Yield AggregatorProtocols that group the yield from other protocols

Available Networks

  • Ethereum
  • Polygon
  • Optimism
  • Arbitrum
  • Binance
  • Avalanche
  • Fantom
  • Aurora
  • Near
  • Celo
  • xDai (Gnosis)
  • Moonriver
  • Fuse
  • Clover
  • Harmony

Protocol Metric Definitions

Key Metrics

Active DepositsCurrent value of deposits from the protocol.
Deposit APRAnnual percentage rate earned from depositors for depositing assets.
Active BorrowsThe current value of borrows from the protocol.
Borrow APRAnnual percentage rate charged to borrowers for borrowing assets.


Total RevenueTotal revenue generated by the protocol.
Protocol RevenueRevenue generated for the protocol (e.g. token holders, protocol treasury).
Supply Side RevenueRevenue generated for users supplying assets to the protocol.


Active DepositsCurrent value of deposits from the protocol.
Deposit APRAnnual percentage rate earned from depositors for depositing assets.
Deposit VolumeVolume of new borrows.


Active BorrowsCurrent value of borrows from the protocol.
Borrow APRAnnual percentage rate charged to borrowers for borrowing assets.
Borrow VolumeVolume of new borrows.


Liquidation VolumeValue of positions liquidated.
LiquidationsNumber of positions liquidated.

Borrow Utilization

Active BorrowsNumber of borrows in the last [span].
Available to BorrowAmount available to borrow from the protocol.
Utilization RatioPercentage of current borrowed amount compared to the total amount available to borrow.

Pool Categories

Decentralized ExchangePools that support peer-to-peer trading of tokensUniswap V3, Sushiswap, Apeswap
LendingPools that enable users to borrow and lend assetsAAVE V2, Compound V2, MakerDAO
Yield AggregatorPools that group the yield from various protocolsConvex Finance, Arrakis Finance, Yearn Finance

Metrics by Pool Categories

Decentralized Exchanges

RevenueTotal revenue generated by the exchange.
VolumeTrading volume of the exchange.
ReturnsAnnual percentage rate and annual percentage yield of the exchange.
APRcumulative supply side revenue USD over timespan / average TVL over timespan / timespan \* 365
APYnumCompoundingPeriod = 365/timespan ((1+APR/numCompoundingPeriod)^(numCompoundingPeriod) - 1)


RevenueTotal revenue generated by the lending pool.
DepositsDeposits into the lending pool.
BorrowsBorrows from the lending pool.
LiquidationsLiquidated positions of the lending pool
Borrow UtilizationBorrow activity and availability from the pool
ReturnsAnnual and expected returns for supplying the lending pool.
Lending Rate APRPulled from protocol smart contract
Borrow Rate APRPulled from protocol smart contract
High/Low APRIf a protocol has a variable and stable interest rate, we show a range of rates. The higher of the two rates being the high and the lower being the low
Lending Rewards Rate APRcumulative reward token emissions USD over timespan / average lending balance over timespan / timespan \* 365
Borrow Reward Rate APRcumulative reward token emissions USD over timespan / average borrow balance over timespan / timespan \* 365
APYnumCompoundingPeriod = 365/timespan
((1+APR/numCompoundingPeriod)^(numCompoundingPeriod) - 1)
Negative Available To Borrow BalanceNegative value indicates that USD value of loan exceeds USD value of deposits or maxLTV ratio\*deposits. This can occur due to protocol exploits, deprecated pools and/or protocols using undercollateralized lending

Yield Aggregator

RevenueRevenue generated by the yield aggregator.
ReturnsAnnual and expected returns for supplying the yield aggregator.
APRcumulative supply side revenue USD over timespan / average TVL over timespan / timespan \* 365
APYnumCompoundingPeriod = 365/timespan
((1+APR/numCompoundingPeriod)^(numCompoundingPeriod) - 1)