(Out of Date) Event Taxonomy

Taxonomic classifications for Intel events


Note for API Users:

The following values can be used as query parameters in the Intel Events API to filter the response payload.


To track events, every event in Messari Intel has an attached status. Below are the definitions of each status:

CanceledAn event or proposal that is no longer relevant (i.e., a proposal merged into a newer proposal)
CompletedAn event or proposal that has been completed.
DiscussedAn event with no definitive decisions or timetables (i.e., a future release)
In-ProgressAn event that has started but is not yet completed (i.e., a hack, investigation, node issue, liquidity mining program, etc.)
PendingA proposal or event agreed upon but set to occur at a date in the future (i.e., Exchange listing or Release)
ProposedA proposal that community members are currently voting on
RejectedWhen a proposal has failed to reach quorum or fails to garner a majority of votes.


To understand the impact of the event or change in Messari Intel, each event has an attached importance level. Below are the definitions of the different importance levels:

LowIncludes events where no action is needed, and there will be no direct impact on users and customers.
MediumStandard software releases are the benchmark for this importance. Analysts flag the event for users, but the event likely doesn’t include any actionable items that are time-sensitive.
HighFor events that our customers need to see but are not a “drop everything and take action” type. Generally, anything more important than a standard software release.
Very HighThis is rarely used and indicates an event that directly impacts our users and their customers, particularly if an action needs to be taken or is time-sensitive.


Listed below are the most frequent category and sub-category combinations. There are a small number of cases where these combinations might differ.

NameAvailable SubcategoriesDescription
FundingEquity Funding, Debt Funding, Public Token Sale, Private Token SaleProject closes equity funding round, Project closes debt funding round, Project sells token to public/ICO/IDO, Project sells token not available to public
GovernanceGovernance Update, Other Network ChangeProject governance process is changed, DAO/voting council election/elected, Polkadot parachain auctions
IntegrationScaling Solution Integration, Cross-Chain Bridge Integration, Oracle Integration, Other Project Change, Mining and Validation, Partnership, New Supported AssetA protocol that is connected to a cross/chain multichain network is experiencing unstable network conditions impacting users, Applicaiton deploys on L2
Legal and RegulatoryLegal Action, Regulatory Action, Regulatory StatusRegulatory action is taken against a project, Legal action is imposed against an entity
Parameter ChangeFee Parameter Change, Collateral Parameter ChangeFee parameter is changed on an application, Collateral parameters are changed
PerformanceBlockchain Halt, Network Congestion, Node OutageNetwork experiences unstable network conditions, infrastructure provider experiences issues
ReleaseCore Client Release, SDK Release, On-Chain Upgrade, Contract Deployment, On-Chain Upgrade, Other Network ChangeApplication releases upgraded contracts, Governance Vote to enable chain upgrade, Vulnerability is patched in Core client
SecurityReport, Fork, Mining and validation, Treasury Funded Expense, Bug Bounty ProgramA security audit of a protocol has been published, A protocol is forked to patch a vulnerability, Bounty Bounty Program is launched
Team and OperationsTreasury Funded Expense, Project Team, Grant Program, Report, New Brand or Rebrand, Call or MeetingQuarterly financial report/transparency, Developers of a protocol host a public call, Projects spends treasury funds
Token ListingCentralized Exchange Listing, Decentralized Exchange Listing, Custody Platform ListingCentralized entity covered by Messari lists a token, a custody platform adds support for a new token
Token SupplyAirdrop, Treasury Funded Expense, Liquidity Mining Program, Treasury Funded Expense, Mining and Validation, Grant Program, Supply Unlock, Supply LockA portion of the token supply has been allocated for a grant program, A portion of the protocol's native token supply is locked and no longer freely transferable, Tokens vest/tokens are unlocked
Token TypeNew Supported Asset, New Collateral Asset, New Token, Airdrop, Token Swap, Other Token ChangeApplication adds new asset support, Lending app adds new collateral asset, Project launches new native token


AirdropToken is airdropped to users or protocol contributors
Blockchain HaltBlock production stalls on a network due to congestion or client bug, and consensus cannot be reached on a network temporarily - often resulting in a new client release or network upgrade
Bug Bounty ProgramA bug bounty program is announced or renewed by a protocol
Bug DisclosureA bug has been disclosed publicly in a critical piece of software, including core clients, SDKs, and programming languages
Call or MeetingCalls or meetings relevant to stakeholders of a project, including developer and governance calls
Centralized Exchange ListingA token is listed on a centralized exchange
Collateral Parameter ChangeA collateral parameter is changed on a protocol, typically a lending protocol
Contract DeploymentA new application or contract upgrade is implemented by protocol developers
Core Client ReleaseA release of an official client implementation of a protocol
Cross-Chain Bridge IntegrationAn asset or protocol integrates with a cross-chain bridge or messaging technology
Custody Platform ListingAn asset is listed on a centralized custody platform
Debt FundingA project that raises financing in exchange for a promise to repay the borrowed funds, typically with interest
Decentralized Exchange ListingA token is listed on a decentralized exchange
Equity FundingA project that raises financing in exchange for corporate equity
Fee Parameter ChangeA fee parameter is changed on a protocol, typically a decentralized finance application or layer one blockchain
ForkA hard fork or software fork is implemented on a blockchain protocol, inclusive of both hard and soft forks
Fund Or Index ListingA token is included in an index or fund
Governance UpdateAn update to a protocol's governance structure or processes
Grant ProgramAn update to a grant program, such as a developer or marketing program
Hack Or AttackA protocol or network is exploited, and user funds are put at risk, stolen, or frozen
Ipo/Spac/Direct ListingAn equity is listed on a publicly traded exchange, either as an IPO, SPAC, or direct listing
Legal ActionAction is taken against a project team or protocol by law enforcement agencies
Liquidity Mining ProgramA program that distributes rewards to users of a protocol or network, oftentimes in the form of a protocol's native token
Mainnet LaunchA protocol launches a new offering on mainnet, most often a new network or application
Mining and ValidationA change to a network's core security features, such as an update to a Proof-of-Work or Proof-of-Work consensus mechanism
Network CongestionA network experiences congestion, oftentimes due to a spike in user activity or spam activity
Network IntegrationA protocol or application that integrates with another third-party network
New Brand or RebrandA project rebrands or releases a new brand
New Collateral AssetA new asset is added as collateral to a protocol or network
New Supported AssetA new asset is supported on a protocol or network
New TokenA new token is launched, oftentimes as a network or application releasing a new token to power its governance or provide some utility to users
Node OutageA notable node outage is experienced on a network, oftentimes attributed to a major infrastructure provider like Infura
Non-Programmatic Supply BurnA protocol or network coordinates the burning of a token, such as a project team burning a portion of its allocation
Non-Programmatic Supply MintA protocol or network coordinates the minting of a token, such as minting new tokens to support the funding of project operations
On-Chain UpgradeA protocol or network initiates an upgrade to a core component of its software, including upgrades to layer one protocols or smart contract-based applications
Oracle IntegrationA protocol or network is integrated with an oracle solution like Chainlink
Other Network ChangeA miscellaneous change to a network
Other Project ChangeA miscellaneous change to a project
Other Token ChangeA miscellaneous change to a token
PartnershipA partnership between two entities is formed, oftentimes between a protocol or network and a third-party
Private Token SaleA token sale that is not made available to the public
Project TeamUpdates to the structure of a project team, including C-suite-level executive changes
Public Token SaleA token sale that is made available to the public
Regulatory ActionAction is taken against a project team or protocol by regulatory agencies
Regulatory StatusA regulatory agency announces an industry-wide or project-specific policy change affecting the regulatory standing of certain crypto projects
ReportA core team or organization shares a report about a project, oftentimes a foundation or third-party entity's financial report
Scaling Solutions IntegrationA project integrates with a network or solution that specifically aims to scale the project's throughput or decrease transaction fees
SDK ReleaseA release of a project's popular or official SDK
Staking Service ListingA token is supported by a staking service
Supply LockA portion of a token's supply is locked
Supply UnlockA portion of a token's supply is unlocked
Testnet LaunchA project or network launches a new testnet to simulate real-world conditions in a controlled setting
Token SwapAn asset that can exchanged for another, oftentimes after a protocol exploit or network migration
Treasury Funded ExpenseA project's treasury allocates funding to an initiative or endeavor
Unstable Network ConditionsA network is experiencing unstable network conditions, oftentimes before a root cause is identified


To understand the context of an event, some events in Messari Intel have an attached tag. Below are the definitions of the different importance levels:

Audit ReportRelease of a security or code audit
Bug Fix Or Maintenance ReleaseSoftware release which includes a bug fix or is labeled as a standard maintenance release
Client ImplementationEvent related to the release of a protocol’s client
Contentious ForkWhen a non-negligible amount of node operators or miners oppose a mandatory hardfork of a network
Developer CallCall hosted by protocol developers or a call hosted by the community with a focus on developers
Ecosystem ProjectUsed to note an event that involves an asset that is not directly covered by Intel but is related to the ecosystem of an asset that Intel covers
Exchange Or CustodianThe scope of the event involves an exchange or custodian and their operations
Financial ReportA report focused on the financials of a protocol created by the core team or a third-party
Governance CallCall hosted by a protocol team or protocol’s community focused on the governance of an asset or a specific governance vote on an asset
Governance VoteA proposal has been put to vote by a protocol or DAO and involves participation by token holders, elected members, or team members.
Hard ForkAn upgrade of the network that implements a node version that is not backward compatible with previous releases
Oracle IntegrationA protocol integrates a third-party oracle solution
Service OutageA generalized tag used to indicate that some or all of a protocol's functionality is not functioning
Soft ForkAn upgrade of a network that does not require mandatory participation by all nodes on the network and is backward compatible
Testnet ReleaseSoftware or client release designated for implementation on the testnet of a network
UpgradeSoftware release or contract deployment which introduces new features to the network and has been labeled as an “upgrade”
Wallet IntegrationThird-party wallet integrates support for an asset