Metrics & Fields Definitions

You'll find below the complete list of metrics and definitions available in our Screener. You can also browse these three pages for further descriptions of certain metrics, fields, and transformation capabilities:


Metric NameCategoryDefinition
All Time HighMarket DataThe all time high represents the highest average price an asset traded at the end of any 15 minute interval. Thus, the all time high is not necessarily the highest price an asset was ever traded at, but the average price an asset may have been bought or sold at during a particular period of time.
All Time High DateMarket DataThe date at which the all time high, which was the highest average price an asset traded at the end of any 15 minutes interval, was recorded.
Asset NetworksClassificationNetworks on which the asset is deployed. Note that this is only based on Messari's network coverage which does not include all existing networks.
Breakeven MultipleMarket DataThe breakeven multiple is a multiple of the current price that an asset would need to regain its all time high.
Circulating MarketcapMarketcapCirculating supply of the asset multiplied by the current price.
Circulating SupplyMarketcapCommonly reported circulating supply of the asset.
Cycle LowMarket DataThe cycle low is the lowest average price an asset traded at the end of any 15 minute interval after the asset's all time high
Cycle Low DateMarket DataThe date that the cycle low, which is the lowest average price an asset traded at the end of any 15 minutes interval after the asset's all time high, was recorded.
Exchanges TradedMarket DataExchanges tracked by Messari on which the asset is being traded. Note that this is only based on Messari's market data coverage which may not include all existing exchanges on which an asset is being traded on.
Fully Diluted MarketcapMarketcapThe fully diluted marketcap is the marketcap of an asset if its maximum supply was in circulation now. It is calculated by multiplying the asset's maximum supply by the latest daily close price. If an asset has no maximum supply (like Ethereum) the fully diluted marketcap is set to be the current circulating marketcap.
SectorClassificationThe sector an asset belongs to, as classified by the Messari Crypto Industry Classification. An asset can only belong to a single sector. Each sector belongs to a given category, and each category contains multiple sectors.
Market CountMarket DataThe number of markets that the asset is traded on. Note that this is only based on Messari's market data coverage which may not include all existing exchanges and thus all existing markets for a given asset.
Marketcap DominanceMarketcapMarketcap Dominance is the percentage of a crypto asset's marketcap compared to the total marketcap of all crypto assets
Max SupplyMarketcapThe maximum supply of the asset, given its monetary policy & planned oustanding supply inflation. This is only available for assets that have a capped supply.
Percent Down from All Time HighMarket DataThe percent down from the all time high, calculated using the latest 15m close.
Percent Up from Cycle LowMarket DataThe percent up from the cycle low, calculated using the latest 15m close.
PriceMarket DataPrice of the asset, averaged across a number of exchanges. Note that price data is 15 minutes delayed within the screener. For live price tracking, select our Price (Live) column.
Price (Close)Market DataThe recent trading price of the asset, averaged across a number of exchanges. Note that price data is 15 minutes delayed within the screener. For live price tracking, visit our homepage, watchlists, charts, asset pages or projects section.
Price (High)Market DataThe highest price of an asset on the interval selected, across a number of exchanges. Note that price data is 15 minutes delayed within the screener. For live price tracking, visit our homepage, watchlists, charts, asset pages or projects section. When not transformed, this metric shows the highest price that occured in the last aggregated 5-min candle, which is 15 minutes ago.
Price (Low)Market DataThe lowest price of an asset on the interval selected, across a number of exchanges. When not transformed, this metric shows the lowest price that occured in the last aggregated 5-min candle, which is 15 minutes ago. For live price tracking, visit our homepage, watchlists, charts, asset pages or projects section.
Real VolumeMarket DataTrading over the last 24hrs from the 10 exchanges identified by Bitwise Investments as well-functioning markets. As of early 2019, it suspected that the majority of reported global trade volume is due to wash-trading or other practices that are not representative of well-functioning markets. This 'Real 10 Volume' metric omits volume from exchanges that don't show consistent patterns of well functioning markets. The 10 exchanges meeting that criteria, as identified by Bitwise Investments are: Binance, Kraken, Bitfinex, Coinbase. Bitstamp, BitFlyer, Gemini, itBit, Bittrex, and Poloniex.
CategoryClassificationThe category an asset belongs to as classified by the Messari Crypto Industry Classification. Categories are the highest level of classification in the Messari Taxonomy. Each category contains multiple sectors. An asset can only belong to a single category and a single sector.
Sharpe Ratio (1Y)Market DataMeasures the performance of an investment compared to a risk-free asset over the last year.
TagsClassificationTags are a freeform way to classify assets. They allow for further classifications than are relevant for a given asset but do not fall under the general Messari Crypto Industry Classification (Category & Sector).
Time Since All Time HighMarket DataThe time since the all time high was recorded.
Time Since Cycle LowMarket DataThe time since the all time high was recorded.
Trade StartMarket DataThe first time an asset started trading on any market according to Messari's historical market data.
Volatility (30D)Market DataAnnualized standard deviation of daily returns over the last 30 days.