Event Alerts

An overview of setting up event alerts in Messari Intel

Staying on top of everything that happens in the world of crypto can be hard. Missing an event like a proposal vote could be costly.

To better track the events that are of interest to you, event alerts can be created in Messari Intel.

Alerts Page

After navigating to the Alerts Page, you will see both your active and inactive alerts. Here you can create new alerts, edit existing alerts, and disable any unwanted alerts.

Alert Pages

Alert Pages

To create a new alert, just click the 'Create New' button next to the 'Active Policies' section. After clicking on the button, you will see the conditions builder.

Conditions Builder

Alert Policy Builder

Alert Policy Builder

The 'Conditions Builder' is designed to make it easier to customize the type of alerts that you would like to receive.

In the builder, you can select the assets, importance levels, tags, categories, and sub-categories that you would like to receive alerts about.

You can also add conditions like receiving alerts for events that have 'At Least' an importance level of medium.

Slack Integration

You can integrate Intel with your Slack workspace to receive updates in real time. This helps keep your team informed on all of the latest news and data that is important to your operations. This feature is available on our Enterprise plan.

Slack Delivery Method

Slack Delivery Method

After you have connected your organization's Slack workspace. To set up receiving Slack notifications, choose Slack and the desired Slack channel as the Delivery Method in the second step of creating an alert policy - 'Naming & Delivery Methods'.