Understanding Token Unlock Pages
An overview of the Token Unlocks section within Messari Project Pages.
Each asset has an in-depth page that provides the data presented in the Token Unlock Explorer and more. Below you will find descriptions of the data and charts.
KPI Modules
There are eight key metrics at the top of the page. The metrics are denominated in both the USD value and the native token amount.
The descriptions for the KPI Modules can be seen here:
- % Unlocks Completed: Percentage of total allocation that has unlocked so far
- Cum. Unlocks (Next): Cumulative USD and native token amounts of the tokens unlocking in the next 30 days
- % Circ. Supply Change: Percentage increase on current circulating supply from the tokens unlocking in the next 30 days
- Circ. Marketcap: The USD value and native amounts of the tokens that are in circulation (available for trade by owners)
- Fully Diluted Marketcap: The USD value and native amounts of the total amount of tokens that will ever be created
- Total Allocation: Total tokens initially allocated to vesting schedules at genesis
- Cum Unlocks (Prev): Cumulative USD and native token amounts of the tokens unlocked in the last 30 days
- Daily Unlocks (Current): USD and native token amounts unlocked today
Unlock Events Module
Similar to the “Next Cliff Unlock” and “Next Daily Linear Rate Change” columns in the Token Unlocks Explorer, the Unlock Events Module shows the next three unlock events. The events are separated by cliff and linear rate change and have the corresponding data (USD value /native amount of tokens, % circ. supply change for cliff events, % change in rates for linear rate change events, etc.). By clicking on the drop-down, you can see events broken down by allocation category.
There are four charts listed and explained below. All USD values are computed using the current price.
Historical Unlocks & Price
This chart shows the daily unlocks and price of the token over the selected timespan, letting users better analyze the price impact/relationship of the token’s unlocks. Hovering on the chart will show a tooltip that displays the total number of tokens unlocked on that day, price metrics (open, close, high, and low) for the day, and the tokens unlocked by category.
Allocation Pie Chart
This chart shows the breakdown of the total allocation of tokens by category.
Token Unlocks Per Month Chart
This chart shows the aggregate amount of tokens unlocked per month broken up by allocation category.
Vesting Schedule Area Chart
This chart shows the cumulative amount of tokens unlocked broken up by allocation category.
Vesting Description Table
This table provides more in-depth information about the allocation categories and their corresponding vesting schedules. The data shown for each category is:
- Allocation: The total amount of tokens allocated to the category (locked and unlocked).
- Unlocked So Far: The number of tokens unlocked for the category at the present date.
- Unlocks Remaining: The number of tokens unlocks remaining for the category at the present date.
- % Unlocks Completed: The percentage of the tokens allocated to the category that have been unlocked.
- Description: Information about the categories' vesting schedule.
- Assumptions: Assumptions made about the vesting schedule.
- Source: Link to the website, whitepaper, blog, or article where the vesting information was found.
Updated 9 months ago