Connecting Your Wallet

A How-to guide on connecting your crypto wallet to Messari Governor

Why connect your wallet?

Connecting your wallet to Messari allows you to vote directly in Messari on DAO proposals.

Messari currently supports connecting to Metamask, Coinbase Wallet, and the supported wallets through WalletConnect. A list of cryptocurrency wallets that support WalletConnect can be found on the WalletConnect website here.

How to connect your wallet

  1. From any page within Messari Governor, click on the "Connect Wallet" button displayed in the top-right of the screen, underneath your Profile Picture
Connect Wallet

Connect Wallet

  1. After clicking on the "Connect Wallet" button, you'll see a "Connect Wallet" modal with different wallet options
Connect Wallet Options

Connect Wallet Options

  1. Select the wallet option that you would like to connect to Messari. Please refer to the documentation from your cryptocurrency wallet to learn how to access and connect your wallet. You can also connect your wallet on any active proposal page by navigating to the Voting Wallet section of that page.
Voting Wallet

Voting Wallet