Save & Duplicate a Screen

Save & Duplicate a Screen

When you are editing a screen, the changes you are making are not automatically saved. In case you are trying to exit the tab you are in without having saved your screen, you will get a pop-up asking you to confirm. Click "OK" to save your changes.

You can also simply click "Save" on the top right side of the page and any change you've made since your last save or since you've created the screen will be saved.

In case you have been editing a screen, haven't saved your changes, and want to revert these changes back to the original screen, you can use the "Revert changes to last saved" option under the ... dropdown. Your screen will be updated to its last saved change, and your unsaved changes will be removed.

You can also duplicate your screen by either clicking on "Duplicate" (in the case that your screen has no unsaved changes), or by clicking on "Save as a copy" (in case your screen has some unsaved changes). The duplicated screen will open in a new tab.

Access Saved Screens

You can access all your saved screens from the My Screens area. From there you can easily browse through your screens and manage them. Clicking on ... button on your screen's card will allow you to quickly:

  • Duplicate it
  • Delete it
  • Edit details (name & description)
  • Copy the URL